Lyng Church of England Primary Academy

Learning, Growing, Achieving Together


Team points

All children have a team point card, earning team points for their efforts with learning, behaviour and positive attitude around school. Each time a team point is awarded, the school adult signs the card.

The card is full when it has 25 points. A team point certificate is then awarded and the child brings this home.  A new second team point card is then issued. Over the year, the number of certificates can increase, with most children achieving around 6-7 certificates, although we have had children achieving 12!

Team points are also counted each week, and count towards the school House team total.

The running total is announced in Celebration assembly each week.

Last term, the Kingfishers were the winning team.

Gold Book

Gold Book certificates are awarded in Celebration assembly when a child has been entered in the ‘Gold Book’ for excellent learning/ attitude.  The class teacher sends the child to see the Headteacher who enters them into the Gold Book. The certificate is taken home, and explains the reason why he/ she is in the Gold Book.

Examples of Gold Book entries include:

  • ‘Meeting your targets in writing’
  • ‘Super work at home, researching Ancient Greeks for your topic’
  • ‘Great teamwork in making a model of London Bridge ‘
  • ‘Working hard to improve your story writing’
  • ‘Learning all your sounds’

Out of school achievements

We love to hear about children’s achievements out of school, and we provide an opportunity for children each week in our Friday Celebration assembly for children to share these with the school.

It could be participating in an event, getting a commendation in a competition, achieving a certificate or passing an exam…

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